Buxus sempervirens American Boxwood

American boxwood, or common box, is a broadly rounded, multi-branched, evergreen shrub. Boxwood may be used as a vertical accent plant, in mixed beds, as topiary, or to form a narrow hedge. Being evergreen, it provides winter interest in the garden.
Boxwood is considered a low-maintenance plant. It is shallow rooted and adapts to a wide range of light and soil conditions. Although it can grow slowly up to 15 to 20 feet tall at maturity, it can be kept much shorter through pruning.
Prefers well-drained soil. A few inches of mulch will protect the shallow roots from getting dry and hot. Remove any accumulated snow to protect the branches. Thinning plants annually will assist with light and air circulation. Do not prune too early in the spring or late in summer. Full sun to part shade.